Sunday, October 27, 2013

MAC MakeUp Base

MAC review on the make up base. These are what I've tried. I'm being super honest tulis review ni.

Only these 5 things. Banyak lagi brand MAC I've tried.
Tapi nak review on these je dulu.
Studio Moisture Fix SPF 15.
I loovveeee this. Tak oily. The texture is quite thick so you feel like tahan lama on the face.
Feels good on your skin.
But I may be akan try moisturizer lain juga. Like the Lightful Softening Lotion maybe.

Matchmaster SPF 15.
I don't like this.
Why? Because everytime lepas pakai ni my face akan break out.
The texture is very light. And maybe because of that lagi senang nak masuk pores and block them.
Maybe la because of that. Maybe memang tak sesuai for my skin.
Before this I tried brand Clinique. It was ok. I prefer that one than this.


Prep + Prime
Fortified Skin Enhancer.
Super love love love this..!!
Can wear this with or without foundation. Still best.
It's like skin tone corrector.
Yang ni kalau habis I will buy the same one again.
Teringin nak try the BB cream. Tapi I just soo love this one.
Not sure if I should try the BB cream or not.

Compact Powder.
Studio Perfect.
Nope, I don't like this.
I used to wear Benefit. For 3 years memang pakai tu je. Tapi ni menggatal nak try MAC pula.
Don't like it for the finishing touch. Nampak macam pakai bedak tebal sangat.
When I sweat, lagi nampak obvious.
Break out juga ni. Habis penuh pimple okayyy.
But guess what, before tangkap gambar ni, I accidently dropped this on the floor.
Bedak tak pecah pun. Whoaa so padat.

Select Moisture Cover.
Sangat sayang pada ini.
Yang ni liquid. Easy to apply, easy to blend kan.
Even after pakai everything, boleh still apply ni and tak akan nampak obvious.
I love 3 out of 5 things. Ok la juga kan. Lain-lain skin lain effect nya. Brand gempak tak semestinya semua akan ok. For the foundation, I will habiskan juga and then baru beli baru. But not the compact powder. Will buy the usual Benefit punya and will just use MAC compact powder tu for keluar biasa-biasa je around Shah Alam makan kat kedai mamak (specific betul).


Saturday, October 26, 2013

One Thing

Appreciate that one thing you have right now.

Don't be too confident of having it with you for the rest of your life.

It can be gone if you don't take care of it.

Thursday, October 24, 2013

It's Ugly

Went to the bakery shop. Mama tunggu dalam kereta sebab I just need to grab a few things je.

Masuk kereta je, terus Mama tanya while pointing to someone yang tengah bayar parking, "Does that guy look educated to you?"

Looking at him pakai shirt and jeans, kemas la juga. Lebih kurang my dad's age. So I said, "He looks like one. Kenapa?"

"Nampak je educated but he just threw a polystyrene food container dalam longkang". 5 steps from where he threw the rubbish tu ada tong sampah.

Moral of the story : It looks freaking ugly to buang sampah merata-rata. If yang tua-tua pun buat, how to teach the young ones. Tak guna pakai cantik-cantik tapi bila buat macam tu, terus hilang cantik. Maybe memang ada yang akan bersihkan, but it won't change the fact that you look ugly doing it. Even a small candy wrapper. Think about it.

Eh jangan pula bagi alasan ni, "Aku pakai biasa-biasa je, so boleh la kan buang sampah merata-rata". Itu minta pelempang.

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Baking and Decorating Tips (Part 1)

Random tips for the first time :

- When you have free time, potong siap-siap baking paper for many sizes of pans (yang paling selalu guna untuk baking). Put in a container to keep it clean. Kalau ada orang order last minute, senang baking paper dah ada.

- Squeeze lemons / oranges / limau nipis (dan yang sewaktu dengan nya) banyak-banyak, letak dalam container and keep it in the freezer so that tahan lama. Bila dah nak guna keluarkan few hours before. No need to squeeze time baru nak guna. Jimat masa sangat ok.

- Wash your pans, spatula, all those equipment with air panas. Lagi-lagi kalau lepas guna butter or oil. Senang hilang and extra clean. We don't want any stain left and then guna for next time. Just euw.

- Kalau cookie cutters or nozzles yang metal senang karat tu, basuh straight away after guna. Bila dah habis baking, oven still panas kan ? So just letak on a baking tray and masukkan kejap. Akan kering fully.

- If let say selalu guna baking pan 8 inch diameter, beli je banyak-banyak (2 or 3, depends). Memang akan keluar duit at first. Tapi jimat masa baking a lot. Jimat bil electric pun ya.

- Lebih kurang macam kat atas ini, beli cake board and cake box size yang paling selalu orang order. Make sure sentiasa ada few sizes yang selalu guna ni.

Since ramai sangat yang dah tanya bila nak buat classes. Oh if only I have the time. And space. Hehe. So I will only do this random tips kat sini. Not even on Sugar and Vanilla's blog. Tak nak campur. Kat sini boleh tulis dengan laidback sikit.

If ada any questions on tips or difficulty, just email to . Yang mana sempat and boleh untuk di jawab, will post it here. InsyaAllah kita share bersama :)

Saturday, October 12, 2013


I love doodle art. But I don't really love doodling. Or maybe just because the fact that I'm just not good at it. Doodle art ni patut nya tak ada rules and there's no right or wrong kan. Tapi kalau everytime I buat asyik rasa tak cantik je. Dah buat one design mesti rasa nak padam balik and repeat balik the same the design but betul kan part-part yang tak cantik before tu.
That day ada extra black royal icing. Typical me, customer order cookies 20 je. Bancuh royal icing macam konon nak kena buat 100 cookies je. But anyway, it's good for me to practice. Piped on a cake turntable. Senang boleh pusing-pusing. Lepas tu basuh. And then lukis balik.
I know designs kat bawah ni memang tak gempak. Tapi seriously, ni yang paling ok. Yang lain mesti terus padam je. Hehe.

But it is really good to practice your piping bila ada extra icing. Below I used nozzle no. 2 Wilton.


Monday, October 7, 2013


Sabtu yang lepas. Nurul Wonder Wardrobe buat preloved party with all the famous bloggers. Jadi haruslah pergi kan. Lagi pun my sister sibuk suruh belikan jubbah from Maria Elena. Met her in person. So natural beauty. Hee.
As usual, terbeli macam-macam for myself instead of patutnya beli jubbah untuk kakak je. Bought a top, kimono cardi and a shawl. Shawl beli dari Suri, tapi terlupa pula nak tangkap gambar with Suri sebab time tu dia ramai sangat customers..! Hot items betul shawls dia. But happy la juga dapat jumpa diorang. Time-time macam tu je la pun baru nak jumpa kan. Hehe. 
With Nurul and sister, Izzah.

With Shea.
We met first time masa dekat OBB preloved party.
And after that she ordered a safari themed cake and a Chanel cake.

Muka penat after lunch at 5pm.
And baru sedar that this baju made me look like a 'makcik'.
But who cares cause I'm just soooo addicted to baggy-one layer-tak payah gosok-black top.
Just that kena pandai match kan dengan tudung. Should have wear shawl yang colourful sikit.
Anyway, shawl by TudungPeople and top by LuvStylista Hajaba.
Jalan-jalan that day telah ditemani oleh my other half.
Melayan shopping dan juga belanja makan at Big Brother.
Before we went for our lunch, balik rumah kejap sebab Aman nak jumpa my nephew.

My nephew, Hud Al-Fateh.

Muka pasrah digomol.
"Dah-dah la tu MakUsu"

Mama Hud kata ni bakal PakUsu Hud.

"Saya dah sebulan baru datang tengok saya?"