If every single thing is being measured, we will see that we are fair to each other.
We understand each other in different ways.
We make each other special in different ways.
We put efforts in our relationship in different ways.
We are patient with each other in different ways.
But the 'different ways' that makes it hard to measure.
We need to stop thinking that we gave more than the other person.
And start to appreciate more what the other person had done / gave us.
Hashtag notetoself
We complete each other with our differences.
I love you.
Tuesday, August 26, 2014
Tuesday, June 17, 2014
(Feb 2014 - April 2014 trip) Warning : super long post.
I had my 3 weeks gap masa kat London so I decided to go to any Europe country. Eryn and I decided...Paris. But more like Disneyland actually. 3 days kat sana. But 2 days of travelling days. So tak ada la lama sangat.
I did not have the WOW first impression of France. Nor the last impression to be exact. Sampai-sampai je macam agak susah nak cari our hotel. Even though bila tengok map nampak senang. But terkial juga la cari. (Hotels are mentioned at the bottom of this post).
Nak pergi Eiffel Tower pun cam blur sikit nak naik train. It's not that user friendly sebab bandingkan dengan London yang memang kejap je terus faham. Orang yang jaga ticket pun masam muka macam nak tak nak tolong.
Sampai to the Eiffel Tower memang excited but to be honest bila sampai-sampai je yang terkeluar is "ni je?". Hahahaha. Tengok dalam tv and gambar macam mesmerized sangat. Tapi rasa macam indah khabar dari rupa. But of course, bila tengok balik pictures that we took, memang cantik. We didn't naik atas sebab again macam blur about the ticket price and the line nak beratur tu. And plus we don't feel the need to spend kat situ. Limited budget.
Haha the best picture ever...!!
That's me tengah face palm.
Eryn tangkap-tangkap gambar guna GoPro and tangkap from all angles.
And then I said, "Eryn, bawah please" What I meant was "dari bawah" since before that pun banyak gambar we captured dari bawah ke atas.
But then, Eryn pointed the camera towards the lantai. I have the picture as a proof..!!
I laughed and did the 'tepuk dahi'.
And she captured this. The perfect picture. I love it.
And I will always remember our gelak-gelak about this. Ahahaha don't worry, still luv ya.
"Kenapa muka kita macam kena botox", kata Eryn.
It was cold semacam. No angin but cold. The perfect time to wear heavy make up.
Cantik je cheek tembam. Ahahaha.
Second day, pagi-pagi buta dah gerak ke Disneyland. Took the shuttle bus. We stayed hotel yang jauh sikit from Disneyland. It is advisable sangat-sangat to take the shuttle bus yang include dengan ticket entrance sekali kalau duduk jauh.
This was my third time pergi Disneyland. Tapi kat Paris ni first time. Still, I was a kid at heart again bila masuk sini. Before this pergi Disneyland dengan family. But this, it was truly a different experience pergi berdua with my bff.
Cinderella's castle. Scream now. Aaaaaaaa. Cair tengok castle ni.
Cute props. Sangat real.
Literally every inch dalam Disneyland ni kitorang tangkap gambar.
Nah take my ugly face.
Makcik ni semangat sampai-sampai nak beli hat Minnie.
So yes, we bought the RM16 cotton candy and made all the little kids jealous.
We didn't have grown ups to say no to us eating sugar till our tummy hurt.
That's what I call freedom. Ngeee
Ok so tak kan la Eryn sorang je kan pakai Minnie's ears. Akak pun nak juga.
Akak beli cekak. Tapi kejap je akak pakai.
Terasa shy-shy gituw.
Teacup rides. Sangat cantik. I record video pusing-pusing naik ni guna GoPro.
Cantikk sangat the video.
Asked my other half to edit it. We'll see how jadinya nanti.
Ok if nak naik any rides, make sure baca the guide map tu betul-betul.
Jangan pakai redah je. And if the ride indoor tak nampak dari luar, be aware be very aware.
Maigadddd this would be the first and the last I ride a roller coaster.
Always has and will always be a pengecut when it comes to rolles coaster.
Yang ni siap terbalik-balik. Awal-awal pecut laju sangat that I just screamed and wish for it to stop. But it didn't.
I screamed yang tahap tak boleh control. The worse part was having your bestfriend gelak and jerit main-main kat sebelah. Lempang kang u makcik..!! -___-
Bila keluar I was traumatized. Eryn asyik Tanya, "Yah, are you ok?"
Tau pun risau, yang kau gelak-gelak tadi tu hape.
Hahahaha but experience la kan.
Gambar memang sangat banyak. Malas nak upload lebih-lebih.
Disneyland was super awesome. Nak pergi lagi again and again.
Tips for Disneyland :
-Before masuk beli la roti or bawa nasi goreng ke. Anything for lunch. Even air kosong. Kat dalam tu mahal sangat diorang markup.
-Bawa a comfy bag. Backpack or sling bag. I brought handbag biasa je, rasa a bit susah juga la.
-Masuk time it opens. Jangan lambat, rugi. Masuk dulu Walt Disney Studio Park. Banyak juga rides kat situ tapi spend until 12pm dah cukup dah. Then baru pergi Disneyland Main Park. (thanks kawan Eryn for this tip)
-If you can and larat, do stay sampai closing to see the fireworks. MasyaAllah cantik sangat. Simply amazed. We sang along and our faces asyik senyum je. Muka kagum. Kaki dah lenguh tapi who cares. Rugi kalau tak tengok.
-Do google about each ride. Tengok yang mana worth it untuk beratur, yang mana scary ke tak. I didn't do this. Menyesal juga la.
-Kalau boleh pergi on weekdays. We went on Monday. Ramai but still ok.
Hotels. I wont mention about the price sebab rate harga sure tukar-tukar ikut season.
Avalon Hotel Paris - dekat dengan Eurostar station, Gare du Nord. Tapi tak dekat sangat la dengan Eiffel Tower. Kena naik train tukar-tukar juga.
The bilik is so small tapi clean. Nak shower semua memang puas hati. Wifi ada, of course. Receptionist memang baik sangat-sangat very helpful cakap English.
Sejours & Affaires Serris Rive Gauche (penat type) - Naik train only one stop from Disneyland. We reached dalam pukul 10 malam. Sampai-sampai tengok reception counter tutup. Panic tapi rupanya ada check-in machine (sungguh advance). Masa sampai and masa nak balik terjumpa dengan orang melayu. Lain-lain orang ok, so I just assumed memang Malaysians tau about this hotel cause review pun bagus.
Oh my the bilik. Buka-buka je nampak small kitchen and toilet kat tepi. Siap ada meja makan kecik, meja study table, a sofa, and almari. So huge sampai kan Eryn said that it must be a sofa bed. But then bila masuk sampai ke sofa tu nampak ada another door. I opened it and saw a huge bed with rak buku and another almari. Seriously besar. Rasa macam tersilap dapat bilik because tak mahal pun the hotel. Soooo huge. Very recommended la this hotel.
Eryn yang cari both hotels. Baca review and all. Sangat puas hati. Even though kitorang macam tak joy sangat dengan Paris, but bila balik hotel macam aaaah tenang jiwa. Thumbs up makcik for your susah payah handle kan everything untuk our trip.
Ups and downs juga la pergi Paris. Points I can never forget
-People kat situ scary sikit. Tak friendly
-Tak sempat shopping sangat tapi sempat la juga dapat satu handbag. Muahahaha. Sempat makan Laduree.
-Ter-burn duit sikit sebab beli salah ticket train.
-Askar-askar everywhere bawa senapang besar konon macam untuk safety tapi tak rasa safe langsung. Hahaha.
-Kena tolak nak masuk ticket train sebab normal orang sana tak bayar ticket, konon 'tumpang' ticket orang lain.
-Kena ngorat dengan both pelik and sweet ways.
"MasyaAllah sisterrr", hahaha yang ni sweet walaupun I did my stuck up face.
"Hai nak ke mana tuu?", hoiii mana datang rempit kat Paris ni ahmaigad. I don't know who you are tapi tolong la jangan buat camtu. Kalau jumpa orang kita bila kat luar, bagi la salam and tegur elok-elok please.
After 6 years of friendship, I went on a trip to Paris with my bestfriend. Padahal dulu time baru-baru kawan nak keluar malam pun tak boleh. Ni pergi BERDUA to PARIS and we had sooo much fun kat DISNEYLAND. Kat sana Eryn and I asyik repeat je cakap tu. Thanks for the time there, makcik. Can't wait you balik Malaysia for good..!!
Sunday, May 25, 2014
Tunang Orang
Yes, I'm engaged last Saturday. Happy. Hee haruslah happy. Tunang ikut Islam dah lama dah. December haritu. 24th May 2014 baru buat majlis tunang. Kumpul sedara ramai-ramai. Kenal bakal keluarga baru. It was so fun...!!
I hired Azrianna for my official photographer that day. Nanti tunggu gambar from her baru nak spam my instagram, facebook and blog. Hahaha over. Ni pun gambar curi from my cousin.
Monday, May 5, 2014
Self Photoshoot
Actually nak letak tajuk Self-Obsessed.
Fefeeling model.
Super red.
Shawl : Radiusite (red) and Arzu (black tudung Siti)
Top : Munawwarah
Blazer : Zara
Gambar kat bawah the apartment I was staying. Will update on that. Nak tulis pasal tu kena duduk dengan tenang tulis panjang-panjang.
Oh masa kat UK I discovered a new way to lilit tudung yang soft.
And I liked it..!! Sesuai ke tak for my face? Ok la kot.
Masa ni kat Hyde Park sorang-sorang. Tunggu time train nak ke Birmingham.
This was the time I explored my Gopro.
Before that banyak try lompat-lompat tapi tak menjadi. Rupanya silap setting.
Macam katak.
Silhouette hidung tak berapa mancung.
Thursday, May 1, 2014
Peggy Porschen : Parlour
The pink corner.
Peggy Porschen Café dekat je dengan the academy.
It's so pink that it makes it stands out.
Memang happy and tenang je.
Semua dalam pun nak cute je..!
Paling sedap. Must try.
Salted caramel cake.
The inside.
I think time ni awal sangat sebelum pergi class.
Tak banyak cakes. Kalau tak penuh je cantik.
Can you see me?
I wish I was the one yang posing kat pintu.
My final week when my BIG sister came.
Harus paksa try Peggy's yummy cakes.
Must try kalau datang sini :
-Salted caramel cake slice
-Glorious Victoria cake slice
-Hot chocolate
-Caramel tea
-Banoffee cupcake
Peggy Porschen : The Academy
5 weeks of classes. 4 modules. 8 weeks in UK. 3 weeks bercuti, muahahaha. Bought the classes through Peggy's website in July 2013. Sangat awal sebab nak berebut tempat. Maximum 6 students per class. Semua classes pun memang penuh 6 orang. The academy is at Victoria. Naik bus memang senang and dekat je dengan Oxford Street.
Warning : Entry sangat panjang with pictures sangat banyak. But if you wish to take the courses, it's good if you take some notes.
The pink building.
The day before. Sebelum the first day of class haruslah try macam mana nak pergi ke kelas dari tempat tinggal. The bus that I took from where I was staying tu turun dekat Victoria Station. From there jalan lah 10 minutes to the academy.
In the pink chef jacket.
No make up to class ok.
First week : Decorating Techniques
Sooooo cute kan. Tea cakes dipped in fondant with royal icing decorations.
Tiny fondant roses.
Gift box.
How to cover mini cakes, brush embroidery and piping.
I like this module. Sebab I learnt new techniques. Same things as I had learnt before but different style / steps. Tak pernah sebelum ni rasa senang buat brush embroidery tapi their techniques make it so simple.
Second week : Flowers
The slightly simple flowers.
First time belajar buat bunga pakai dawai.
Trip to the fresh flower market.
Dummy cake with fresh flowers.
We each got to choose our own flowers.
Best tengok the end results of other students' cakes with their choices of flowers and colours.
With the sugar flowers.
The cake sangat cantik that I had to bring it to Hyde Park untuk tangkap gambar.
The only 2 weeks module. Memang belajar macam-macam. After the first week of this module, rasa macam nak pengsan. Penat mentally, ahahaha. But bila dah masuk second week, the flowers membentuk gituw.
On Thursday, pergi trip to the fresh flower market with a florist. MasyaAllah, it was just awesome. Betul-betul macam pasar but wangi and bersih and sejuk. And after that the florist yang ajar how to assemble the cake using fresh flowers.
I think the second last day baru everyone pun nampak excited. This was the first time ever I did designs like these. Bangga dengan diri sendiri. Heee.
Third week : Tiered Cakes & Business Know-How
Brush embroidery lagi.
And piping lagi.
Decorated sugar cookies.
Tapi tak belajar pun how to bake the cookies.

Oh lupa nak cakap, everyday pun they will hidang tea and cake or cupcakes.
Haihh lah gula.
This module agak interesting. Only few days je betul-betul hands on in the kitchen. Other days we had talks with wedding planner, cake consultant, cake stylist, Peggy's husband. Belajar about costing and all. More to theory tapi sangat lah tak bosan.
Fourth week : Baking, Layering & Icing
Semua pun pink.
Sticky toffee cake.
First time rasa ni and memang in love..!!
We did many more cakes. Alcohol, belum sempat bagitau memang they know my cakes need to be alcohol free. Some cakes memang ada. Some tak ada. The one yang ada problem was the fruit cake. The fruits that they use already soaked in alcohol since last year lagi. So I just didn't bring that back. Don't like fruit cake anyway.
My two out of three instructors.
Overall how did I find about Peggy Porschen's Academy?
The cons, repeat...!!! That's the biggest geram I feel. With the price (google and see the price to each module), I was really expecting something new in each module. Tapi terkejut juga belajar piping and brush embroidery in both Decorating Techniques and Tiered Cakes. And a little bit of piping in Flowers module juga. Memang rasa tak perlu plus wasting time.
And I lost count how many times we learnt about how to cover a cake with fondant. Totally understand since we need to deco the cakes but by the final module, bosan bila dengar step by step to cover a cake.
But I can say almost more than half of what I learnt is totally new to me. This might be different for other people. I really enjoyed it.
If you completed all four modules baru dapat Diploma. If not, dapat certificate to each module. So if anyone yang interested in joining Peggy's Academy tapi tak nak ambil Diploma, I would suggest to only join the Flowers and Decorating Techniques modules.
And one thing good about this Academy (sama juga dengan Wilton courses and PME courses), you can take the courses anytime in no particular order. Nak ambil satu module satu tahun pun boleh. I chose berderet because of the flight ticket and my business. Senang cuti panjang terus. But that's why I had the 3 weeks gap. Sebab timetable courses and my timetable tak ngam so wujud la 3 weeks gap tu.
Alhamdulillah, now I have PPA Professional Cake Maker Diploma. Yeayy..!!
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